Villa Noailles d’Hyères: Architectural Elegance in the Heart of the Côte d’Azur

Villa Noailles, located in the magnificent town of Hyères on France’s Côte d’Azur, is an architectural masterpiece that embodies elegance and innovation. This emblematic residence, built in the early 20th century, is much more than just a building: it is a symbol of creativity and design.


History and architecture

Villa Noailles was designed by modernist architect Robert Mallet-Stevens in 1923 for the Viscounts of Noailles. Its avant-garde design is an outstanding example of the architecture of France’s modern movement. The villa is distinguished by its clean lines, open spaces, sunny terraces and judicious use of materials such as reinforced concrete.

A place of creativity

Beyond its remarkable architecture, the Villa Noailles has played a central role in promoting art, fashion and creativity. It is the birthplace of the Hyères International Art, Fashion and Photography Festival, which attracts emerging talent from around the world. The festival highlights artistic innovation and provides a space for experimentation.

Visit the Villa Noailles

The Villa Noailles is open to the public, allowing visitors to admire its unique architecture and influence on the arts. The well-kept gardens provide a picturesque setting for strolling and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. What’s more, you can visit the interior of the villa to discover its history and its role in promoting contemporary creativity.

How to get there!

Hyères is easily accessible from Nice, Marseille or Toulon, thanks to its international airport. Once there, Villa Noailles is close to the city center, making it the perfect day trip or weekend getaway.

In conclusion

In conclusion, the Villa Noailles in Hyères is much more than a historic residence. It is a symbol of architectural innovation and artistic creativity.

Whether you’re a lover of art, history or design, a visit to the Villa Noailles is an unforgettable experience that will immerse you in the fascinating world of modern architecture and artistic expression.

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What do you think?

August 22, 2021

Great tips! I’ve just discovered your Youtube channel, and I love it! Thanks for sharing your content and the day and life of a designer.

August 22, 2021

As a new Design student, I find your tips to be incredibly helpful, interesting, and inspirational. Keep up the great work! Thanks so much for your work both in the blog and on your YouTube channel.

August 22, 2021

I’ve just discovered your Youtube channel, and I love it! Thanks for sharing your content and the day and life of a designer! Great tips!

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