Self-checking: How to avoid falling into this Psychological Trap

Self-Checking is a psychological phenomenon that drives us to constantly seek confirmation of our beliefs, value and identity from others. It’s a natural quest, but when it becomes excessive, it can have a negative impact on our emotional well-being and self-esteem. In this article, we’ll explore this concept and discuss some ways to avoid falling into the trap of self-verification.

Understanding self-checking

Self-auditing occurs when we compulsively seek proof or confirmation of our self-worth. This can manifest itself in different ways, such as seeking the approval of others, constantly monitoring social networks for likes and comments, or seeking incessant compliments. The problem with this habit is that it makes our self-esteem dependent on others, which can lead to anxiety and stress.


The Dangers of Self-Checking

Excessive self-checking can have harmful consequences for our well-being. It can make us vulnerable to depression, anxiety and compulsive behaviors. When we constantly seek validation from others, we lose sight of our own self-esteem and our ability to make independent decisions.

How to Avoid Self-Checking

1. Practice self-awareness: Take time to reflect on your own values, beliefs and skills. The more confident you are, the less you’ll need external validation.

2. Limit your use of social networks: Social media can be a trap for self-verification. Set time limits on your use, and remember that the number of likes or followers doesn’t define your value.

3. Learn to accept constructive criticism: Rather than running away from criticism, use it as a learning opportunity. Self-criticism can be fueled by fear of disapproval, so work on your resilience in the face of criticism.

4. Empathize with yourself: Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend. Remember that you’re human and everyone makes mistakes.


"Self-cheking is a trap many of us can fall into, but it is possible to free ourselves from it."

Chocolate brown lipstick had a major moment in the ’90s, being sported by all of our favorite beauty icons from Naomi Campbell to Jennifer Lopez. The warm-toned shade is making a splash yet again this season. In the last few months, we’ve spotted it on the likes of celebrities and influencers galore. “From fair to deeper skin tones, a chocolate liner and lipstick can make a bold, powerful statement,” celebrity makeup artist AJ Crimson says.


By cultivating self-confidence, limiting the importance we place on external validation and adopting a benevolent attitude towards ourselves, we can avoid the pitfalls of self-verification and live a more fulfilling life. Knowing and accepting ourselves is the key to freeing ourselves from this insatiable quest for validation.

OIL When we are in alignment and our creativity is flowing

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• SOURCE: Byrdie


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What do you think?

October 3, 2021

I love reading your blogs! Thanks so much for the tips both in the blog and on your YouTube channel. As a new Interior Design student, I find them to be incredibly helpful, interesting, and inspirational. Keep up the great work!

October 3, 2021

Great tips! I’ve just discovered your Youtube channel, and I love it! Thanks for sharing your content and the day and life of a designer.

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